The team

Table of contents

Organization of ITECH

ITECH is directly supported by its professional syndicates representing the 4 specializations:

  • UNITEX (Union of Textile Industries of Rhône-Alpes)
  • FFTM (French Federation of Tannery-Leather Goods)
  • FIPEC (Federation of Paint, Ink, Colors, Glue and Adhesive Industries)
  • Plastic Manufacturing Federation

Representatives of the syndicates sit on the Board of Directors, as vice-presidents. This board brings together representatives of Higher Education as well public regional entities: the City of Lyon, DRIRE (Regional Directorate of Industry, Research and Environment), Chamber of Commerce and of Industry, the University of Lyon…

School administration

Our professors

Come meet us
87 chemin des Mouilles
69130 Écully
Come meet us

87 chemin des Mouilles
69134 Écully, France | (+33) 4 72 18 04 80