More and more companies are coming to the school for the Job dating event which allows them to quickly recrute young engineers.
30 or so companies looking for skilled engineers meeting a hundred freshly graduated students. Such ins the principle of the “Job dating” event which took place on the 7th of September at ITECH. Even if the interviews only last 10 minutes, it’s enough for the recruiter to get an idea, as explains Hugues Pichon, Head of Projectswithin the LVMH Métiers d’Art group: “everything is prepared in advanced by the school so as the company and the student can talk straight away about to the most important points”. In order for the recruiters to be able to go through a relevant pre-selection of students that they wish to meet, they have the possibility of looking at their profiles on the “Career Center Job Teaser” school platform. In the same way, thanks to this site, future graduates can get information on the job offers available. The result: as the students presenting themselves to the recruiters have the right profile and the latter have already read their CV, this makes for an efficient and fruitful discussion”. For Pierre Schell, Head of Nouvion, a company specialised in industrial paints, the Job dating event is a means to assess the candidates personalities: “it’s true you can get a first impression of a candidate through their CV, but that is not enough. Nothing is better than direct contact in order to evaluate the candidates capabilities in working in a team, taking initiatives, leading a development project”. Having come to the school with the idea of recruiting a young engineer to reinforce her R&D department, Isabelle Bergerot of Altus Coating, a company specialised in technical and decorative varnishes, doesn’t regret having made the journey: “the graduates I met have exactly the type of profiles we are interested in and I find that they are easy to talk to. At the end of the day, we will consider the different applicants and contact some of them from then on out”. Even if some companies directly recruit engineers on the spot, most of them use the event to pre-select profiles that are of interest to them. Afterwards, they contact them again in order to do more in dept interviews. In this way, the Job dating event represents an interesting opportunity for young engineers. Freshly graduated Nassim El Fatnassi, appreciated being able to meet Hughes Pichon of LVMH Métiers d’Art as he is fascinated by leather manufacturing. He left satisfied: “thanks to this encounter, I’m much more familiar with the job opening. I was able to explain my educational background, go into details in regards to my CV and show my motivation to the recruter.”
Thanks to this Job dating, Nassim El Fatnassi was able to enlighten Hughues Pichon of LVMH Métiers d’Arts on his training and obtain details about the offer.
Express recruitment is proving to be working!

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